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Horror films are made to frighten and panic, to invoke our concealed worst worries, often in a scary, surprising finale. The earliest horror films were Gothic in style-- that indicates that they were generally set in spooky old estates, castles, dark and shadowy locations.

The primary character of these films were the "unknown", human, supernatural creatures like vampires, devils, ghosts, monsters, devils, fiends, werewolves to the hidden presence of evil. The first horror movie, was only about two minutes long produced by the French filmmaker Georges Melies "The Devil's Castle" (Le Manoir du Diable) (1896) which included some elements of later vampire films.

The most influential of the early films was "The Cabinet of Dr. Caligari" (Das Kabinet des Doktor Cligari) (1919) the Germany's quiet expressionistic landmark classic. IN the very early 1900's the German movie Der Golem was the first horror-themed movie which achieved terrific success. In the early 1930's Universal Studios created a modern film genre and brought to the screen the successful movies like "Dracula", "Frankenstein" and "The Mummy".

In the late 50's horror movies became a ton gorier as the technical side of cinematography came to be less costly. Early 60's saw the release of two films which close the gap between the subject and the customer. One was "Peeping Tom" and the other was "Psycho", both movies rather use human monsters rather than superordinary ones to frighten the audience.

"The Exorcist" (1973) broke all records for a horror movie, after that in 1975 "Jaws" came to be the greatest earning movie ever. Horror movies resorted to self-mocking irony and downright parody in the 1990's when the teens in "Scream" often made a reference to the history of horror movies.

There is argument that horror films are socially and morally reckless, and they also influence to some people to mimic the brutal approaches of the awesomes portrayed on the display.

Anyhow horror films have the opposite impact on normal individuals-- sick minds will certainly commit crimes anyway. When we enjoy horror movies we encounter our secret concerns, share them with other audiences and do away with the terror by facing with it.

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Or if you are a film lover than go on and take a troll through these favorite films of all time. If occurs to you to hear sounds like whispering, or terrifying sounds, simply pay no attention to it. It's undoubtedly simply the wind.
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