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Guerilla Gardener Plants Joy in Potholes

Theyre the bane of cyclists and motorists alike, but one urban gardener has grown a fondness for potholes after deciding to spruce up cities around Europe by filling them up with miniature flower arrangements. Australian Steve Wheen, 34, who lives in London, has been using flowers and small-scale objects to transform urban potholes for the last three years. The self-styled guerrilla gardener has created mini gardens all around his home city but has now decided to bring joy to commuters across Europe with his unusual pothole creations.

[Guerilla Gardener Plants Joy in Potholes]

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3 Things You Can Say to Someone Who Does Not Like You

I do my thing and you do your thing. I am not in this world to live up to your expectations, and you are not in this world to live up to mine. You are you, and I am I, and if by chance we find each other, its beautiful. If not, it cant be helped. Fritz Perls

[3 Things You Can Say to Someone Who Does Not Like You]

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New Toilet System Transform Waste into Electricity

Scientists from Nanyang Technological University (NTU) have invented a new toilet system that will turn human waste into electricity and fertilisers and also reduce the amount of water needed for flushing by up to 90 per cent compared to current toilet systems in Singapore.

[New Toilet System Transform Waste into Electricity]

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Let Go Of Pain And Anger

I like to think that people are good, that we are all good deep down inside, and that maybe, because of some past and unpleasant events, because of some misfortunes, because we have been hurt and injured emotionally, we are now wearing all kind of masks in order to protect ourselves from being hurt again. If you look around, you will notice how people are building walls, as many as possible so they can feel safe, so they can feel secure, to protect themselves from the outside world and the danger that it represents for them.

[Let Go Of Pain And Anger]

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Business Lessons from a Quiet Gardener

William Rosenzweig is a strong voice in the field of ethical business. Much of his inspiration in the corporate world comes from a seemingly unlikely place -- the garden. "A gardener sees the world as a system of interdependent parts - where healthy, sustaining relationships are essential to the vitality of the whole.

[Business Lessons from a Quiet Gardener]

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