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Wersja z dnia 08:33, 14 mar 2016 autorstwa Ditadinata (dyskusja | edycje)
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casino Hold'em / Caribbean Hold'em (Casino Hold'em Poker / Caribbean Hold'em Poker) is a casino gambling game. This banking game, introduced by Stephen Au-Yeung in 2000 (First Texas Hold'em Poker play against the casino and not other players) and now played in live casinos worldwide. It was licensed for use in the United Kingdom in 2007. In addition online casinos offer the game, which is based on the traditional multi-player Texas Hold'em poker.

text Dealing the turn in Texas hold 'em text Picture of hole cards in a game of Texas hold 'em Casino Hold'em is a house game designed to be dealt by a croupier for casino patrons to play in the main casino. Players play the house and not other players in this variant. Subject to the dealer qualifying, it is a straight contest between the dealer's hand and the player's, player may also get paid an AnteWin Bonus on his Ante bet. Player can also place an AA Bonus side bet which is based on the poker value of his two personal cards and the first three flop cards.

Contents [hide] 1 History 2 Rules 3 Strategy 4 AnteWin pay table 5 ป๊อก เด้ง 6 agen casino 7 casino indonesia 8 External links History Stephen Au-Yeung devised the game in the late 1990's as a tool to assist in training his partner of the time to play Texas Hold 'Em poker. After this the training tool was developed into a House game and launched in 2000.[1] It first appeared as a live casino game in Egypt, Russia and South Africa. It was shown in 2002 at the International Casino Exhibition held at Earls Court Exhibition Centre, London, UK.

Today the game is marketed by the Gaming Supplies Company, TCS John Huxley and over ten online-gaming software and is played in over one hundred live casinos and over one thousand online Casinos worldwide. It was licensed for use in the United Kingdom in 2007.