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87 Year Old Woman Named Rose

The first day of school our professor introduced himself and challenged us to get to know someone we didnt already know. I stood up to look around when a gentle hand touched my shoulder.

[87 Year Old Woman Named Rose]

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Life Through A Camera Lens

"I couldnt believe how beautiful the ocean was, he commented. Ive never seen an ocean before, and then to get to see palm trees in person, and to even touch them. It was just amazing. He began thumbing through a series of photographs on his phone, each displaying an image of a palm tree." 
[Life Through A Camera Lens]

[ - good, positive news, inspirational stories, articles]

How to Think Like an Ecosystem

Gradually its dawned on me: We humans are creatures of the mind. We perceive the world according to our core, often unacknowledged, assumptions. They determine, literally, what we can see and what we cannot. Nothing so wrong with that, perhapsexcept that, in this crucial do-or-die moment, were stuck with a mental map that is life-destroying.

[How to Think Like an Ecosystem]

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Mr. Happy Man

For six hours each day, Bermudas Johnny Barnes stands at a busy traffic intersection telling all who pass that he loves them. His delight and sincerity are infectious, and the people of the island love him back. His service is a simple reminder of the power of happiness and loving-kindness to change any day for the better

[Mr. Happy Man]

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7 Helpful Pointers To Activate The Flow Of Abundance

We all want abundance in some form or another, whether it is wealth in the monetary sense to being richly blessed with meaningful relationships or even to achieve self-mastery the wealth of spirit. In this past decade, and, even prior to that, we have been introduced to the idea of the Law of Attraction with popular books such as The Secret and the Jerry and fEsther Hicks series, just to name a few.

[7 Helpful Pointers To Activate The Flow Of Abundance]

[ - good, positive news, inspirational stories, articles]

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