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Company reputation describes the (collective) perception of a company by its stakeholders. It is the result of an exchange of personal communicated/collected experience between the company and its stakeholders (and third parties over the course of time)

Company reputation depends on how reliable and respectful it is in relation to certain topics (e.g. financial performance, the quality of management, environment engagement) including the fulfillment of brand promises.

Reputation is a “property” belonging to stakeholders, so an outside-in perspective.


ICV-Statement "Grundmodell für Kommunikations-Controlling"



First version by

ICV work group "Kommunikations-Controlling", leader: Dr. Reimer Stobbe

The Business 9 Women Kept A Secret For Three Decades

Somewhere in West Tennessee, not far from Graceland, nine women -- or "The 9 Nanas," as they prefer to be called -- gather in the darkness of night. At 4am they begin their daily routine -- a ritual that no one, not even their husbands, knew about for 30 years. They have one mission and one mission only: to create happiness. And it all begins with baked goods.One of us starts sifting the flour and another washing the eggs,

[The Business 9 Women Kept A Secret For Three Decades]

[ - good, positive news, inspirational stories, articles]

Starting A Slow Story Movement

"It is said that we become the stories that we tell among ourselves. This might have been true before we became salespersons. For a few decades now, I think we have become numb to the stories that we tell among ourselves. So stories have become shorter and crisper to the length of a tweet. We are so committed to telling a story to the point that finally what remains is a dimensionless point.

[Starting A Slow Story Movement]

[ - good, positive news, inspirational stories, articles]

Reuse of Wastewater May Improve Drinking Water Supply

With recent advances in technology and design, treating municipal wastewater and reusing it for drinking water, irrigation, industry, and other applications could significantly increase the nations total available water resources, particularly in coastal areas facing water shortages, says a new report from the National Research Council.

[Reuse of Wastewater May Improve Drinking Water Supply]

[ - good, positive news, inspirational stories, articles]

Use Your Talents Give More Receive More

When I stand before God at the end of my life, I would hope that I would not have a single bit of talent left, and could say, I used everything you gave me.Erma Bombeck

[Use Your Talents Give More Receive More]

[ - good, positive news, inspirational stories, articles]

Servant Leadership: Helping People Come Alive

"Its a powerful perspective on work -- holding within it a value for collaboration, agency, creativity, and meaning. What if we all could see what we do in that way? What if our organizations supported us in holding that perspective, and to go one step further, how can we create institutions that release these core values? In his seminal 1970 essay 
[Servant Leadership: Helping People Come Alive]

[ - good, positive news, inspirational stories, articles]

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