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Budgeted Costs

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Budgeted costs = standard/structure costs + level of employment of standard/product costs. Budgeted and actual costs variance is a central value in the costs analysis as a part of costs and services accounting. By providing further analysis possibilities it attempts to improve efficiency.


ICV-Statement "Grundmodell für Kommunikations-Controlling"



First version by

ICV work group "Kommunikations-Controlling", leader: Dr. Reimer Stobbe

9 Reasons Why You Should No Longer Care About Peoples Approval

A truly strong person does not need the approval of others any more than a lion needs the approval of sheep. Vernon HowardApproval Seeking Behavior If you ask me, this is where many of our challenges start. When you are too concerned with what other people think of you, you start sabotaging your life, and you start moving forward but with the breaks on.

[9 Reasons Why You Should No Longer Care About Peoples Approval]

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The Business 9 Women Kept A Secret For Three Decades

Somewhere in West Tennessee, not far from Graceland, nine women -- or "The 9 Nanas," as they prefer to be called -- gather in the darkness of night. At 4am they begin their daily routine -- a ritual that no one, not even their husbands, knew about for 30 years. They have one mission and one mission only: to create happiness. And it all begins with baked goods.One of us starts sifting the flour and another washing the eggs,

[The Business 9 Women Kept A Secret For Three Decades]

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The Importance of Imagination

While growing up, Id never really considered how important it is to be imaginative. Its a childhood profession, you could say. It comes naturally. Then we hit an age when were presented with a scantron of bubble-in options, a template for a CV that we need to create, and Excel. At that point, our learning has to fit into certain parameters: within that little bubble, within the one page limit, and within a tiny digital graph. So, what happens to our imagination?It seems to fade.

[The Importance of Imagination]

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Paths Are Made By Walking

2012s Baccalaureate speaker at the University of Pennsylvania was an unconventional choice for an Ivy League school. To address their newly-minted graduates, aspiring to dazzling careers, they picked a man who has never in his adult life, applied for a job. A man who hasnt worked for pay in nearly a decade, and whose self-stated mission is simply "to bring smiles to the world and stillness to my heart".

[Paths Are Made By Walking]

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Rainbow of Colorful Critters Discovered in Suriname

A scientific expedition into one of the worlds last pristine tropical forests has revealed incredibly diverse species and extraordinary cultural heritage, said Conservation International (CI) today, announcing the results of a scientific survey in southwest Suriname that documented nearly 1,300 species, including 46 species which may be new to science. The announcement comes as the global organization marks 25 years of science-based conservation, this month.

[Rainbow of Colorful Critters Discovered in Suriname]

[ - good, positive news, inspirational stories, articles]

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