IGC-DEFINITION (abbreviated)
Mission statement for controllers / Controller-Leitbild
The mission statement of the IGC International Group of Controlling defines the role of the controller as follows:
Controllers design and accompany the management process of goal-finding, planning and controlling and thus are co-responsible for reaching the objectives.
- Controllers ensure the transparency of business results, finance, processes and strategy and thus contribute to higher economic effectiveness.
- Controllers coordinate sub-targets and sub-plans in a holistic way and organise a reporting-system that is oriented towards the future and covers the enterprise as a whole.
- Controllers moderate and design the process of goal-finding, planning and man-agement control so that every decision-maker can act in accordance with agreed objectives.
- Controllers provide all relevant controlling-information to managers.
- Controllers develop and maintain the controlling systems.
Controllers are thus internal consultants to all decision-makers for questions in plan-ning, performance and accounting.
The controller’s responsibility results from these tasks.
from: IGC-Controller-Wörterbuch, International Group of Controlling (Hrsg.)
IGC-Controller-Wörterbuch, International Group of Controlling (Hrsg.), 4. Auflage, Schäffer-Poeschel, Stuttgart, 2010